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BMUK typically runs one to two training courses a year, depending on demand from UK government agencies.  .


The BMUK Polygraph School is accredited by the American Polygraph Association.  It is only open to trainees from government agencies.  In addition to core training, the School also runs a specialised one-week Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing course and other Advanced Courses. 


A core feature of the school is its commitment to long term quality assurance.  All students must commit to a minimum of one year post-graduation continuing professional development, supervision and quality control, although the expectation is that this will continue indefinitely. 


Don Krapohl is the School Director, and our instructors are all highly regarded international experts in relation to polygraph theory, practice and teaching.  Information about Don Krapohl and our other primary instructors (Donnie Dutton, Pam Shaw, Brett Stern, Tom Morgan, Dani Pruett, and Don Grubin) can be found under the Team section.



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